Sunday, 16 November 2014

Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics

Veg Soup Recipes Biography

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People who eat fruit and vegetables as part of their daily diet have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. USDA's MyPlate encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables.  Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic acid) and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a superfood!Potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.Folate (folic acid) helps the body form healthy red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need adequate folate to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida during fetal development.
Eating Vegetables Provides Health Benefits
 The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body.
    Eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.
    One to four cups of vegetables are recommended each day, depending on how many calories you need. To find out how many vegetables you need to eat
Vegetables, like fruits, are low in calories and fats but contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals. All the Green-Yellow-Orange vegetables are rich sources of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamin B-complex, vitamin-C, vitamin-A, and vitamin K.

    As in fruits, vegetables too are home for many antioxidants. These health benefiting phyto-chemical compounds firstly; help protect the human body from oxidant stress, diseases, and cancers, and secondly; help the body develop the capacity to fight against these by boosting immunity.
  Additionally, vegetables are packed with soluble as well as insoluble dietary fiber known as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) such as cellulose, mucilage, hemi-cellulose, gums, pectin...etc. These substances absorb excess water in the colon, retain a good amount of moisture in the fecal matter, and help its smooth passage out of the body. Thus, sufficient fiber offers protection from conditions like chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and rectal fissures.
Vegetable nutrition has been widely drawn the attention of fitness conscious as well as food scientists alike for their proven health benefits. Majority of day-to-day used vegetables are very low in calories, and saturated fats. Just for example; Celery holds just 16 calories per 100 g. There is a long list of vegetables whose calorie is less than 20 per 100 g such as bottle gourd, bitter melon, cabbage, chinese cabbage, bok-choy, eggplant, endive, spinach, summer squash, swiss chard, etc. Scientific studies have shown that these low-calorie but nutrient-rich foods help human body stay fit, and free from diseases.Eat at least 5-7 servings of fresh vegetables every day. Federal dietary guidelines now recommends at least nine servings of vegetable nutrition and fruit nutritions per day. Seasonal vegetables should be encouraged. Bring variety in the choice of vegetables in your everyday diet. Yellow and orange color vegetables are rich in Vitamin-A, α, β carotenes, zea-xanthins and crypto-xanthins, whereas dark-green vegetables are a good source of minerals and phenolic, flavonoid as well as anthocyanin anti-oxidants.

Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics
Veg Soup Recipes Soup Recipes in Urdu with Chicken with Pictures for Kids Image with Ground Beef Photos Pics

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